Fish River Lodge Journal

Journal entries from Fish River Lodge, Eagle Lake, Maine. Adventures in hunting, fishing, trapping and running a sporting camp in northern Maine.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Updates coming soon! In the mean time, follow us on facebook...

If you're looking for content, I apologize! In this fast-paced world of digital media, I have come to rely on Facebook as a means of quickly and easily sharing news from Fish River Lodge. You can find us on facebook at: I see my last post was the end of 2013! A lot of fun and memories have been made since then and over the winter of 2016 I will bring us up to date. PROMISE!

This past spring brought some of the best fishing in years with many landlocked salmon weighing 2 1/2 pounds and more landed along with some beautiful native brook trout.

ATV riders enjoyed our well-marked and extensive trail system, family vacationers enjoyed warm summer nights around the camp fire, paddling the Fish River to watch moose and bald eagles, and riding the "lumberjack roads" of our north woods. It is exciting looking for moose, deer, bear, lynx, and foxes in their natural habitat and even more wonderful to capture their images with a camera. We enjoyed a successful bear season despite the challenges of unusually high temps and lots of natural feed to compete with. We are getting ready for another moose hunt after great success in September with all three guided hunters filling their coveted moose tags.
This is 14 y.o. Caleb Savage, with his 884 lb. bull moose called in by guide Tenley Bennett, on opening day of the September hunt.

Grouse season is in full swing, along with ducks and geese. We'll welcome back deer hunters in November then hunt ourselves late in the month. By the first of December we'll move back to "Guide Camp" and button up the lodge for the winter. Then I will hunker down and get this journal caught up with all kinds of tales from the past few years! So, check back later with a cup of coffee and time to read of our adventures!
